Sunday, April 24, 2005

how to tell the difference between European and Pakistani/ "Himalayan" saltcrystal lamps

Saltcrystal lamps come with a substantial tradition from Europe, where many have experienced the nurturing and healing properties of saltcaves and saltcrystal lamps. When we are at Expos, many Eastern European people tell us of saltcrystal lamps gracing the homes of their grandmothers and mothers, of their relatives visiting saltmines and saltpools for healing, and about saltcrystal caves with healing properties in Russia, Romania and Ukraine.

In Eastern Europe, a famous World Heritage listed tourist attraction called Wieliczka is a historic 700 year old salt mine, 9 levels deep. Some may recall this place being featured on the Getaways program on TV. Carved into the millions of years old saltrock, are magnificently huge underground chapels with icons, chandeliers and floor tiles made out of saltcrystal rock. An underground sanatorium draws people who seek health and rejuvenation in its naturally pure and pristine air. Speleotherapy, well known in Eastern Europe, is a form of therapy related to the healing properties of the air in underground caves. Read more about it in these articles:

This unique type of subterranean saltcrystal can be found in 2 main regions in the world – Eastern Europe and Pakistan (although there are other regions less known). European mined saltcrystal is far superior in hue, density, design finish, processing method and quality fittings. We know, because we have access to both European and Pakistani lamps, but have chosen to sell only European lamps in the electric range. We may change our minds if we come across really good quality saltcrystal from Pakistan, but so far after many encounters and trial supplies, and seeing what's out there, we are still sticking with European saltcrystal.

This article may be rather strong or direct; it's purely what we have observed in our own experience as well as what's out there in the market and in the world. This is not against Pakistani saltcrystal but just a caution against Pakistani manufacturing quality and certain misrepresentations around. Pakistani lamps have been very widely marketed as Himalayan Saltcrystal lamps. Strictly speaking, there's no salt mining in the Himalayans. A minor mis-representation maybe. But more importantly, the attributes of the Pakistani/Himalayan saltcrystal are important to your enjoyment of your saltcrystal lamp, and how long it lasts! (more information below)

Innova Pacific is one of the few companies in the world who specialise in selling Saltcrystal Lamps which are purely European in design and origin (the electric lamps range). Not all lamps being sold in Europe itself are of European origin or manufacture - due to the huge influx of cheap Pakistani imported lamps in Europe (and other parts of the world), although there are a limited number of reputable European companies selling Himalayan saltcrystal which they select and process themselves. In fact, a vast majority of saltcrystal lamps found in European shops are of Pakistani/"Himalayan" origin.

Those who have owned an Innova Pacific Saltcrystal Lamp will be able to tell the difference from a cheap substitute immediately. We understand that sometimes one's budget makes the cheaper Pakistani/ "Himalayan" lamps more affordable. But then, as someone said once "I'm not rich enough to afford a cheap product".

Why does European saltcrystal last longer? Pakistani/ Himalayan/ Hunza saltcrystal is brittle and therefore more easily breakable, of lighter hue and manufacturing methods often lack polish. As mentioned earlier, despite their name, they do not actually originate in the Himalayas or Hunza region. Hot water vapour is used to shape the surface of the saltcrystal, causing it to frequently have a deadened, sealed off and shiny surface. According to a US customer of ours who paid a stupendous amount of money to have our lamps shipped to him in USA, the Pakistani lamps he saw a lot of in the US shops looked too "ratty" to him.

In addition to physical appearance, the "energy" of the saltcrystal is important to many people. Amongst our customers who are sensitives (ie healers, psychic or clairvoyant), they often tell us that they can tell the difference in energy between the Pakistani and European lamps. Maybe it's not the intrinsic energy of the Pakistani or European saltcrystal, it's more the energy around the making and marketing of these things. There are some nice Pakistani lamps out there, it's just that they are rare; in the past when we've ordered trial shipments from Pakistani suppliers, we've had to throw out half of the stock due to breakage (brittle salt), not meeting specifications, or just unattractive looking items. Not to mention that our website pictures and text have been stolen by so many websites selling Pakistani lamps, that we've lost count!

The main point is that Pakistani/ "Himalayan" saltcrystal is brittle and better suited for consumable items which do not have to last. So, because Pakistani/"Himalayan" saltcrystal is cheaper, it's useful for our customers to be able to save money when they use our Skin Treatment Saltbars, Multi-Mineral Massage Stones and Pink Himalayan Salt for everyday use.

We reserve the European saltcrystal, of higher durability and beauty and quality, for things which are meant to last you a lifetime (if looked after properly) like the electric saltcrystal lamps range. For pictures of these stunning, premium European saltcrystal lamps, go to


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