Care of your lamp and what to look out for
Each person who buys a lamp whether from a shop or from us, should have received a care of the lamp information sheet. If not, for a copy, go to
Here we go into more detail about various points of caring for your saltcrystal lamp. When you look at your saltcrystal lamp, you see a beautiful pinkish-orange rock made of salt, and you probably can't imagine how much moisture this rock can actually absorb, but believe me, it does absorb a lot. It doesn't mean that you can't wipe it with a wet or damp cloth (you can). But it does mean that you need to watch out for moisture in the air.
So, if you
1 live in a damp house
2 live in a humid climate (eg Queensland, or tropical countries)
3 use an evaporative cooler, and/or
4 notice that it has been raining for a few consecutive days
watch the surface of the saltcrystal lamp carefully for moistness. If the surface is slightly moist, have the lamp switched on as much as you can. We recommend in these situations to have the lamp on continuously for 24 hours a day, every single day. It's quite safe! In fact, it is safer to have your saltcrystal lamp on continuously in a damp environment because this keeps the saltcrystal lamp dry. And anything electric should be kept dry! The saltcrystal lamp has a low wattage bulb (15-25W) which can be left on continuously and uses very little electricity.
Some people we talk to have bought the saltcrystal lamps and then not switched them on for weeks or longer, in damp conditions. They wonder why there's a puddle of water beneath their saltcrystal lamp. The poor saltcrystal lamp had absorbed too much moisture: it had not been given the opportunity to evaporate the moisture by having the lamp switched on so that the warmth of the bulb could dry out the saltcrystal. It had to let go of the water somehow, and there's your puddle! Oops!
It should NEVER get to this stage. This is neglect (or abuse?). Treat your saltcrystal lamp with love and care, and it will last a lifetime and do its air purifying and wellness enhancing job for you indefinitely. And it doesn't even take much care. All it asks for is to be switched on and left on! Why have a saltcrystal lamp for its beauty and air ionising and purifying effects if you don't switch it on? (In fact, we leave our saltcrystal lamp at home switched on even when we're away, but there are other options for people who don't want to do that.)
Talking about neglect or abuse - at this late stage of neglect, the saltcrystal is likely to show white crystal deposits on its surface. Oh oh! We should NEVER get to this stage either. The white crystal deposits may be able to be rubbed off with a damp cloth or steel wool. But well before it gets to this stage, one would have seen signs of moisture overload, and taken steps to prevent it. Just click the switch on, and leave it on!
Now all the above probably doesn't apply to 99% of saltcrystal lamp owners, but to a minority of people who live in humid conditions AND don't have the lamp switched on continuously. But it's useful information for all owners, because prevention is possible, cure is usually not.
For that reason, people in humid environments should take extra care if they own tealight saltcrystal lamps! Because, tealight saltcrystal lamps require you to keep lighting tealight candles in the lamp, and this may not be possible if you're not around. In this case, just observe the lamp carefully - if it shows moisture or dampness on its surface at any time, light the candle! Periodically it may be necessary to put the tealight lamp in a low heat oven just to let it dry out completely.
If you go away for a few weeks, don't leave your lamp untended. Lend it to a friend who can have it lit up, or wrap it up in a plastic bag so that it's safe from moisture in the air whilst you're away. Again, this applies only to people who live in very humid environments. When we lived in Melbourne we could leave the lamps switched off for weeks without any problems. Same here in the dry Central Highlands climate of Hepburn Springs/ Daylesford where we are now based. But you know yourself what sort of climate or environment you're in, so take appropriate care.
The last point is, changing the bulb! The bulb should be 15-25W for most models of saltcrystal lamps, except the ExtraLarge one (13-17kg) which takes a 25-40W. The bulb is a screw-on pilot bulb, small, available from hardware shops (but usually not available in supermarkets).
Where humidity is concerned - here's another point. The bulb may have blown, and you haven't got around to changing it. (Always keep a spare bulb handy!) Again, if you live in a humid place, just keep an eye out for the lamp's wellbeing until you get to replace the light bulb. Make sure it isn't overloading with moisture in the meantime. Replacing the bulb is easy. For most current models, it just involves turning the lamp upside down, and tugging gently on the wiring so that the bulb starts to pull out of the cavity. (a little aside: Just ensure that you hold the spring clips as the bulb emerges, so that the spring holding the bulb in the cavity doesn't give you a smack on the fingers). Then unscrew the old bulb, and screw on the new bulb and push it back in the cavity of the saltcrystal lamp.
If there's anything else on this subject you'd like to hear more about, please email us at "info at" (just replace the at with @ - sorry we write it like that so that the spammers don't find our email address so easily). Or just add a comment at this blog!
Here we go into more detail about various points of caring for your saltcrystal lamp. When you look at your saltcrystal lamp, you see a beautiful pinkish-orange rock made of salt, and you probably can't imagine how much moisture this rock can actually absorb, but believe me, it does absorb a lot. It doesn't mean that you can't wipe it with a wet or damp cloth (you can). But it does mean that you need to watch out for moisture in the air.
So, if you
1 live in a damp house
2 live in a humid climate (eg Queensland, or tropical countries)
3 use an evaporative cooler, and/or
4 notice that it has been raining for a few consecutive days
watch the surface of the saltcrystal lamp carefully for moistness. If the surface is slightly moist, have the lamp switched on as much as you can. We recommend in these situations to have the lamp on continuously for 24 hours a day, every single day. It's quite safe! In fact, it is safer to have your saltcrystal lamp on continuously in a damp environment because this keeps the saltcrystal lamp dry. And anything electric should be kept dry! The saltcrystal lamp has a low wattage bulb (15-25W) which can be left on continuously and uses very little electricity.
Some people we talk to have bought the saltcrystal lamps and then not switched them on for weeks or longer, in damp conditions. They wonder why there's a puddle of water beneath their saltcrystal lamp. The poor saltcrystal lamp had absorbed too much moisture: it had not been given the opportunity to evaporate the moisture by having the lamp switched on so that the warmth of the bulb could dry out the saltcrystal. It had to let go of the water somehow, and there's your puddle! Oops!
It should NEVER get to this stage. This is neglect (or abuse?). Treat your saltcrystal lamp with love and care, and it will last a lifetime and do its air purifying and wellness enhancing job for you indefinitely. And it doesn't even take much care. All it asks for is to be switched on and left on! Why have a saltcrystal lamp for its beauty and air ionising and purifying effects if you don't switch it on? (In fact, we leave our saltcrystal lamp at home switched on even when we're away, but there are other options for people who don't want to do that.)
Talking about neglect or abuse - at this late stage of neglect, the saltcrystal is likely to show white crystal deposits on its surface. Oh oh! We should NEVER get to this stage either. The white crystal deposits may be able to be rubbed off with a damp cloth or steel wool. But well before it gets to this stage, one would have seen signs of moisture overload, and taken steps to prevent it. Just click the switch on, and leave it on!
Now all the above probably doesn't apply to 99% of saltcrystal lamp owners, but to a minority of people who live in humid conditions AND don't have the lamp switched on continuously. But it's useful information for all owners, because prevention is possible, cure is usually not.
For that reason, people in humid environments should take extra care if they own tealight saltcrystal lamps! Because, tealight saltcrystal lamps require you to keep lighting tealight candles in the lamp, and this may not be possible if you're not around. In this case, just observe the lamp carefully - if it shows moisture or dampness on its surface at any time, light the candle! Periodically it may be necessary to put the tealight lamp in a low heat oven just to let it dry out completely.
If you go away for a few weeks, don't leave your lamp untended. Lend it to a friend who can have it lit up, or wrap it up in a plastic bag so that it's safe from moisture in the air whilst you're away. Again, this applies only to people who live in very humid environments. When we lived in Melbourne we could leave the lamps switched off for weeks without any problems. Same here in the dry Central Highlands climate of Hepburn Springs/ Daylesford where we are now based. But you know yourself what sort of climate or environment you're in, so take appropriate care.
The last point is, changing the bulb! The bulb should be 15-25W for most models of saltcrystal lamps, except the ExtraLarge one (13-17kg) which takes a 25-40W. The bulb is a screw-on pilot bulb, small, available from hardware shops (but usually not available in supermarkets).
Where humidity is concerned - here's another point. The bulb may have blown, and you haven't got around to changing it. (Always keep a spare bulb handy!) Again, if you live in a humid place, just keep an eye out for the lamp's wellbeing until you get to replace the light bulb. Make sure it isn't overloading with moisture in the meantime. Replacing the bulb is easy. For most current models, it just involves turning the lamp upside down, and tugging gently on the wiring so that the bulb starts to pull out of the cavity. (a little aside: Just ensure that you hold the spring clips as the bulb emerges, so that the spring holding the bulb in the cavity doesn't give you a smack on the fingers). Then unscrew the old bulb, and screw on the new bulb and push it back in the cavity of the saltcrystal lamp.
If there's anything else on this subject you'd like to hear more about, please email us at "info at" (just replace the at with @ - sorry we write it like that so that the spammers don't find our email address so easily). Or just add a comment at this blog!