Sunday, April 24, 2005

Care of your lamp and what to look out for

Each person who buys a lamp whether from a shop or from us, should have received a care of the lamp information sheet. If not, for a copy, go to

Here we go into more detail about various points of caring for your saltcrystal lamp. When you look at your saltcrystal lamp, you see a beautiful pinkish-orange rock made of salt, and you probably can't imagine how much moisture this rock can actually absorb, but believe me, it does absorb a lot. It doesn't mean that you can't wipe it with a wet or damp cloth (you can). But it does mean that you need to watch out for moisture in the air.

So, if you
1 live in a damp house
2 live in a humid climate (eg Queensland, or tropical countries)
3 use an evaporative cooler, and/or
4 notice that it has been raining for a few consecutive days

watch the surface of the saltcrystal lamp carefully for moistness. If the surface is slightly moist, have the lamp switched on as much as you can. We recommend in these situations to have the lamp on continuously for 24 hours a day, every single day. It's quite safe! In fact, it is safer to have your saltcrystal lamp on continuously in a damp environment because this keeps the saltcrystal lamp dry. And anything electric should be kept dry! The saltcrystal lamp has a low wattage bulb (15-25W) which can be left on continuously and uses very little electricity.

Some people we talk to have bought the saltcrystal lamps and then not switched them on for weeks or longer, in damp conditions. They wonder why there's a puddle of water beneath their saltcrystal lamp. The poor saltcrystal lamp had absorbed too much moisture: it had not been given the opportunity to evaporate the moisture by having the lamp switched on so that the warmth of the bulb could dry out the saltcrystal. It had to let go of the water somehow, and there's your puddle! Oops!

It should NEVER get to this stage. This is neglect (or abuse?). Treat your saltcrystal lamp with love and care, and it will last a lifetime and do its air purifying and wellness enhancing job for you indefinitely. And it doesn't even take much care. All it asks for is to be switched on and left on! Why have a saltcrystal lamp for its beauty and air ionising and purifying effects if you don't switch it on? (In fact, we leave our saltcrystal lamp at home switched on even when we're away, but there are other options for people who don't want to do that.)

Talking about neglect or abuse - at this late stage of neglect, the saltcrystal is likely to show white crystal deposits on its surface. Oh oh! We should NEVER get to this stage either. The white crystal deposits may be able to be rubbed off with a damp cloth or steel wool. But well before it gets to this stage, one would have seen signs of moisture overload, and taken steps to prevent it. Just click the switch on, and leave it on!

Now all the above probably doesn't apply to 99% of saltcrystal lamp owners, but to a minority of people who live in humid conditions AND don't have the lamp switched on continuously. But it's useful information for all owners, because prevention is possible, cure is usually not.

For that reason, people in humid environments should take extra care if they own tealight saltcrystal lamps! Because, tealight saltcrystal lamps require you to keep lighting tealight candles in the lamp, and this may not be possible if you're not around. In this case, just observe the lamp carefully - if it shows moisture or dampness on its surface at any time, light the candle! Periodically it may be necessary to put the tealight lamp in a low heat oven just to let it dry out completely.

If you go away for a few weeks, don't leave your lamp untended. Lend it to a friend who can have it lit up, or wrap it up in a plastic bag so that it's safe from moisture in the air whilst you're away. Again, this applies only to people who live in very humid environments. When we lived in Melbourne we could leave the lamps switched off for weeks without any problems. Same here in the dry Central Highlands climate of Hepburn Springs/ Daylesford where we are now based. But you know yourself what sort of climate or environment you're in, so take appropriate care.

The last point is, changing the bulb! The bulb should be 15-25W for most models of saltcrystal lamps, except the ExtraLarge one (13-17kg) which takes a 25-40W. The bulb is a screw-on pilot bulb, small, available from hardware shops (but usually not available in supermarkets).

Where humidity is concerned - here's another point. The bulb may have blown, and you haven't got around to changing it. (Always keep a spare bulb handy!) Again, if you live in a humid place, just keep an eye out for the lamp's wellbeing until you get to replace the light bulb. Make sure it isn't overloading with moisture in the meantime. Replacing the bulb is easy. For most current models, it just involves turning the lamp upside down, and tugging gently on the wiring so that the bulb starts to pull out of the cavity. (a little aside: Just ensure that you hold the spring clips as the bulb emerges, so that the spring holding the bulb in the cavity doesn't give you a smack on the fingers). Then unscrew the old bulb, and screw on the new bulb and push it back in the cavity of the saltcrystal lamp.

If there's anything else on this subject you'd like to hear more about, please email us at "info at" (just replace the at with @ - sorry we write it like that so that the spammers don't find our email address so easily). Or just add a comment at this blog!

how to tell the difference between European and Pakistani/ "Himalayan" saltcrystal lamps

Saltcrystal lamps come with a substantial tradition from Europe, where many have experienced the nurturing and healing properties of saltcaves and saltcrystal lamps. When we are at Expos, many Eastern European people tell us of saltcrystal lamps gracing the homes of their grandmothers and mothers, of their relatives visiting saltmines and saltpools for healing, and about saltcrystal caves with healing properties in Russia, Romania and Ukraine.

In Eastern Europe, a famous World Heritage listed tourist attraction called Wieliczka is a historic 700 year old salt mine, 9 levels deep. Some may recall this place being featured on the Getaways program on TV. Carved into the millions of years old saltrock, are magnificently huge underground chapels with icons, chandeliers and floor tiles made out of saltcrystal rock. An underground sanatorium draws people who seek health and rejuvenation in its naturally pure and pristine air. Speleotherapy, well known in Eastern Europe, is a form of therapy related to the healing properties of the air in underground caves. Read more about it in these articles:

This unique type of subterranean saltcrystal can be found in 2 main regions in the world – Eastern Europe and Pakistan (although there are other regions less known). European mined saltcrystal is far superior in hue, density, design finish, processing method and quality fittings. We know, because we have access to both European and Pakistani lamps, but have chosen to sell only European lamps in the electric range. We may change our minds if we come across really good quality saltcrystal from Pakistan, but so far after many encounters and trial supplies, and seeing what's out there, we are still sticking with European saltcrystal.

This article may be rather strong or direct; it's purely what we have observed in our own experience as well as what's out there in the market and in the world. This is not against Pakistani saltcrystal but just a caution against Pakistani manufacturing quality and certain misrepresentations around. Pakistani lamps have been very widely marketed as Himalayan Saltcrystal lamps. Strictly speaking, there's no salt mining in the Himalayans. A minor mis-representation maybe. But more importantly, the attributes of the Pakistani/Himalayan saltcrystal are important to your enjoyment of your saltcrystal lamp, and how long it lasts! (more information below)

Innova Pacific is one of the few companies in the world who specialise in selling Saltcrystal Lamps which are purely European in design and origin (the electric lamps range). Not all lamps being sold in Europe itself are of European origin or manufacture - due to the huge influx of cheap Pakistani imported lamps in Europe (and other parts of the world), although there are a limited number of reputable European companies selling Himalayan saltcrystal which they select and process themselves. In fact, a vast majority of saltcrystal lamps found in European shops are of Pakistani/"Himalayan" origin.

Those who have owned an Innova Pacific Saltcrystal Lamp will be able to tell the difference from a cheap substitute immediately. We understand that sometimes one's budget makes the cheaper Pakistani/ "Himalayan" lamps more affordable. But then, as someone said once "I'm not rich enough to afford a cheap product".

Why does European saltcrystal last longer? Pakistani/ Himalayan/ Hunza saltcrystal is brittle and therefore more easily breakable, of lighter hue and manufacturing methods often lack polish. As mentioned earlier, despite their name, they do not actually originate in the Himalayas or Hunza region. Hot water vapour is used to shape the surface of the saltcrystal, causing it to frequently have a deadened, sealed off and shiny surface. According to a US customer of ours who paid a stupendous amount of money to have our lamps shipped to him in USA, the Pakistani lamps he saw a lot of in the US shops looked too "ratty" to him.

In addition to physical appearance, the "energy" of the saltcrystal is important to many people. Amongst our customers who are sensitives (ie healers, psychic or clairvoyant), they often tell us that they can tell the difference in energy between the Pakistani and European lamps. Maybe it's not the intrinsic energy of the Pakistani or European saltcrystal, it's more the energy around the making and marketing of these things. There are some nice Pakistani lamps out there, it's just that they are rare; in the past when we've ordered trial shipments from Pakistani suppliers, we've had to throw out half of the stock due to breakage (brittle salt), not meeting specifications, or just unattractive looking items. Not to mention that our website pictures and text have been stolen by so many websites selling Pakistani lamps, that we've lost count!

The main point is that Pakistani/ "Himalayan" saltcrystal is brittle and better suited for consumable items which do not have to last. So, because Pakistani/"Himalayan" saltcrystal is cheaper, it's useful for our customers to be able to save money when they use our Skin Treatment Saltbars, Multi-Mineral Massage Stones and Pink Himalayan Salt for everyday use.

We reserve the European saltcrystal, of higher durability and beauty and quality, for things which are meant to last you a lifetime (if looked after properly) like the electric saltcrystal lamps range. For pictures of these stunning, premium European saltcrystal lamps, go to

how to use Skin Treatment Saltbars

Skin treatment saltbars are a solid block of crystal sculpted out of 250 million year old full body salt containing all 84 trace elements and minerals essential to healthy glowing skin.

After your shower, when your skin is still wet, apply the saltbar on your skin. Not directly (unless you're using it on the soles of your feet, or you're a masochist) as it may be scratchy. Best to rub your hands on the saltbar, then use your hands to apply on the skin. Repeat until there's a good amount of salt on the skin. Then pat dry! Don't rinse off, so that the salt and minerals can continue their beneficial effects on your skin. It's like a dip in the ocean... great for the skin. You can apply moisturiser on top of it.

You can also have a saltbar at your washbasin, so that everytime you wash your hands you can rub your hands on the bar and then apply to your skin. Many people (including myself) have found it is a helpful treatment for eczema, rashes, and other skin irritations. You can read enthusiastic testimonials at If this link doesn't work, just copy the address & paste it to your web browser address bar.

The skin treatment saltbar also good as a mild deodorant because salt is a natural antibacterial. And as a natural antibacterial it's also helpful against acne. Apply to the oily T-zone - it helps to normalise the skin, and can reduces the inflammation and duration of acne.

Some of us get itchy skin during the hay fever season (someone said to me that her skin practically "crawls"). I have found the saltbar wonderful for that. Itchy scalp, itchy skin - get relief from the saltbar! Remember to moisturise too... one suggestion is to moisturise the skin after applying the saltbar, with organic rosehip seed oil. It's available most pharmacies or health shops.

The saltbar helps with the outside symptoms, while you investigate the causes - skin problems can be dietary or emotional!

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Monday, April 11, 2005

mother nature's 200+million year air purifiers (picture)

tutti loves his salty lamps!
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